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A New Chapter Begins: Introducing New President of the Oregon Hearing Society 

Dear Valued Members, 

I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new President of the Oregon Hearing Society! As many of you know, our dedicated organization has faced some challenges lately. However, I stand before you today with a resolute commitment: we will rebuild the Oregon chapter stronger than ever. 

I'm Vladimir Gutierrez and my life's work has been driven by a singular passion: ensuring every person with hearing loss in Oregon receives the highest quality and most effective hearing loss correction possible. This mission aligns perfectly with the core values of the Oregon Hearing Society, and I'm deeply honored to lead us into a new era. 

The foundation of our success lies in the expertise and dedication of our licensed hearing healthcare professionals.  

Join Us! We are making membership free for 2024 because this journey requires active participation from each of you. 

                     Sign Up Now                   

Your voicesexperiences, and expertise are invaluable. I encourage you to engage with us, share your ideas, and contribute to shaping the future of the Oregon Hearing Society. Together, we can build a community where every individual with hearing loss can thrive. 

Our top priority is to enhance your knowledge, skills, and resources, empowering you to deliver exceptional care to all who need it. We will achieve this through: 

Continuing education opportunities: We will offer robust and accessible training programs, keeping our professionals at the forefront of advancements in hearing technology and hearing loss correction methods. 

Collaboration and knowledge sharing: By fostering a collaborative environment, we will promote information exchange and best practices among our members, accelerating innovation and improving overall treatment quality. 

Advocacy and partnerships: We will work tirelessly with policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure equitable access to high-quality hearing healthcare for all Oregonians. We have been quite active in this regard working with the Government Affairs team from the International Hearing Society and look forward to updating you about our efforts on your behalf. 

In the coming weeks, I will be reaching out to connect with you further. Stay tuned for upcoming events, workshops, and opportunities to get involved. 

Thank you for your continued support. I am excited to embark on this new chapter together, and I have full confidence that we will achieve remarkable things for the individuals we serve.

Vladimir Gutierrez, BC-HIS
President, Oregon Hearing Society 



Mission Statement

Upholding higher standards for Hearing Healthcare providers through quality education, consumer advocacy and legislation in support of our profession.

Hear why IHS Executive Director Alissa Parady thinks you should join our chapter: