
Hearing Health Affects Overall Health

Stay Connected With Life. Check out how your hearing affects your overall health.

Members Are Our Mission

Learn how IHS membership will enhance your career and practice.

Support our Advocacy Efforts

Do your part to protect the profession and the hearing impaired you serve.


Headquarters Closed Monday

In observance of the U.S. holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), the IHS World Headquarters will be closed on Monday, January 20. We will resume normal business operations on Tuesday, January 21.

Popular Resources

Official IHS Continuing Education Transcript Request Form
IHS offers its members a free benefit to help keep track of continuing education credits. Non-members can receive the report for a $35 fee. Rush requests can be fulfilled for $15 more. This transcript serves as verification of the continuing education courses for the time period requested. 

Become a Hearing Aid Specialist
An aging population is anticipated to lead to greater demand for hearing healthcare services. Learn how to get started in this growing occupation.

IHS Marketing Resource Center
IHS is committed to helping all members market their practices to help more people prevent and address hearing issues. Explore the various marketing resources here, including assets for the "Stay Connected With Life" campaign.


Course Approval
Organizations that offer continuing education programs can become an IHS-approved continuing education provider. Learn how to submit your course for approval.

Continuing Education Opportunities
All education is not created equal. Make sure your continuing education is IHS-approved and know that you’re doing the most for your career and your patients.

Find a Provider
Looking to improve your hearing health? There are thousands of IHS hearing healthcare providers all over the world. Locate a hearing healthcare provider near you.

About IHS

IHS represents hearing healthcare professionals worldwide, and members are our mission. For 71 years, we have provided our members with a community that embraces growth, education, expertise, and relationships.


Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm Eastern Time
Headquarters Address: 33900 W. 8 Mile Road., Suite 101 Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Phone: 734.522.7200
Fax: 734.522.0200


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