Course Curriculum

Tinnitus Care Provider Program

Program Overview

About the Course & Assessment

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Introducing the New On-Demand Tinnitus Care Provider Program

Expand Your Patient Reach. Become a Tinnitus Care Provider*

Curriculum Overview

Learn more about the continuing education credit available for this program!

The International Hearing Society and expert instructors, including Richard Tyler, PhD, MSc have collaborated to develop this high-level, comprehensive tinnitus educational program. Don't miss this opportunity to advance and broaden your professional knowledge and clinical skills to help your patients manage their tinnitus! 

Neurology and Psychology of Tinnitus


  • Define and measure the tinnitus condition
  • Assess the psychological disposition of the patient
  • Determine patient expectations for management

Tinnitus Measurement


  • Identify red flags that require referral to a physician
  • Describe how to measure tinnitus loudness
  • Describe how to measure tinnitus pitch
  • Define how the measurement of tinnitus can assist with counseling
  • Define how the measurement of tinnitus can assist with the fitting of sound therapy devices

Tinnitus Therapies


  • Define components of tinnitus management plan
  • Consider hearing aids, sound therapy, & coping strategies as options for management plan

Fundamentals of Tinnitus Counseling


  • Determine when to counsel & when to refer
  • Discover strategies for evaluating what patients need and want
  • Explore four components of qualify of life counseling

Nurturing Expectations


  • Understand where the patient is at by interpreting their physical and emotional status
  • Help patient understand their tinnitus to reduce/eliminate fear and nurture acceptance

Group Counseling and Session Demonstration


  • Understand where the patient is at by interpreting the physical and emotional status of the patient
  • Provide assistance in thoughts & emotions counseling, aural rehabilitation, sleep counseling, concentration, and relaxation exercises
  • Demonstrate how to conduct a group counseling session

Tinnitus Activities Therapy Protocol

  • Thoughts and Emotions
  • Hearing and Communication
  • Sleep
  • Concentration

Establishing a Tinnitus Clinic


  • Evaluate readiness to provide tinnitus services
  • Create a business plan for tinnitus services and weigh potential risks and rewards
  • Refer a patient/client to another professional when needed

About the Instructors


Richard Tyler, PhD, MSc
Professor, University of Iowa

Dr. Tyler is a clinical audiologist and a psychoacoustician. He teaches at the University of Iowa and has been directing research projects on tinnitus and cochlear implants for over 25 years. His scientific work includes the quantification of tinnitus and the investigation of different treatments.

Dr. Tyler sees tinnitus patients weekly and hosts an annual Tinnitus Treatment Conference at the University of Iowa. He has edited The Tinnitus Handbook (2000), Tinnitus Treatments: Clinical Protocols (2006), and The Consumer Handbook on Tinnitus (2008).


Keith Darrow, PhD, CCC-A
Director & Founder, Hearing and Brain Centers for America & Excellence in Audiology

Keith Darrow, PhD, CCC-A is a M.I.T. and Harvard Medical School trained neuroscientist, clinical audiologist, Certified Dementia Prevention educator, Certified Dementia Practitioner, and Nationally Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer.

He is the director and founder of the Hearing and Brain Centers for America as well as the Excellence in Audiology network of offices throughout the United States.


John Hoglund, ACA, BC-HIS
Founder, Hoglund Family Hearing & SWFL Tinnitus and Hearing Centers

John Hoglund, ACA, BC-HIS owned and operated a successful multi-disciplinary and multi-location hearing and tinnitus clinic in south Florida. He has a special passion for helping tinnitus patients and has educated many other hearing aid specialists on the best practices of care for individuals with co-occurring tinnitus and hearing loss. 




Doug Lewis, JD, PhD, AuD, MBA
President and CEO, Excalibur Business Consultants

Dr. Lewis is President and CEO of Excalibur Business Consultants, serving in a wide range of areas involving healthcare, business, microenterprise development, and law. He works as a Consulting Clinical Audiologist for several entities and an ENT practice.

He is active faculty for 9 universities, teaching in a wide variety of subjects such as law and ethics, business, healthcare, and more. He has been an integral instructor for IHS’ ACA program, and is the Chair of IHS’ education committee, the International Institute for Hearing Instrument Studies.